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Gwen Moore: Fiscal and Budget Expert?


By: Brian Sikma

According to Rep. Gwen Moore (D), the budget proposal introduced by Rep. Paul Ryan (R) is “neither fair nor balanced” and will turn “the current wealth gap into a gaping chasm.” Moore serves on the House Budget Committee, which is chaired by Ryan.

In a rambling press release, Moore charged that the House Republican’s budget proposal is a “throwback” to “Bush era” policies.

“A budget is a moral document that reflects the priorities in which a country will invest their resources. Sadly, the Republicans have once again shown that they are blatantly willing to rob from the poor to give to the rich, turning the current wealth gap into a gaping chasm.”

The Congresswoman’s outrage that a budget would not be balanced is inconsistent with her voting record. Since President Barack Obama took office, Congress has not passed a budget, instead managing spending through resolutions and individual bills. Budget deficits in excess of $1 trillion dollars have prevailed since Obama took office.

To look at it another way, since Rep. Moore’s party assumed the levers of power in Washington, the nation has added $6 trillion in debt, the largest debt increase ever.

President Obama declared last week that it was not his goal to balance the budget. “My goal is not to chase a balanced budget just for the sake of balance,” the President told George Stephanopoulos of ABC News.

As for a budget being a moral document offering insights into a nation’s priorities, recent federal spending has been shown to at times benefit top Obama campaign contributors. Overall spending has created a debt that will be left to future generations, hardly a legacy of responsibility.

Requests for comment to Rep. Moore’s office in Washington, D.C. went unanswered by the time of this publishing.

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